ACCL third annual community voices dialogue was held on March 3rd in partnership with the Lowell National Park service. The event was well attended. It was a night with guest speaker and panel with questions and answers from the audience. In closing the ACCL, the director thanked the audience and closed with the statement below:
Thank you all for coming. After this evening, we must each have an
introspection. All of us have a cultural background and it’s important
that we have conversations. We live in a culturally diverse and socially complex society. This complexity and diversity is here to stay. We must therefore deal with our differences and have the courage to learn. We have great opportunities and many challenges and it is my hope that, based on the relationships established this evening, we will in the
future be able to respond together to issues that we have in common and achieve our
common objectives. There is more that unite us than divide us. It’s been a pleasant evening.
Thank you all very much for your cooperation.
With your help, we will
do this again.
Gordon Halm
ACCL Director