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Joint project between African Community Center and Harvard students to create immigrant resource
Black History Month Community Voices dialogue
ACCL third annual community voices dialogue was held on March 3rd in partnership with the Lowell National Park service. The event was...
UMASS Lowell Visit
ACCL Director, Mr. Gordon Halm, recently visited UMASS Lowell Manning School of Business and was given the opportunity by Lecturer and...
ACCL Book Tour
ACCL Director, Mr. Gordon Halm, met with Rev. Trina Portillo of Presbyterian Church of Burlington, MA. He was invited by the congregation...
Parsley's Great Adventure Book Tour
ACCL director, Mr. Gordon Halm visited the Daley school where he met with students to speak about his debut book, Parsley's Great...
The Superintendent Fall Community Forum
The superintendent fall community forum was held on October 29, 2019. It was a successful meeting that enabled everyone to share their...
ACCL Outreach
As part of visitation and creating awareness in the African community and beyond, ACCl director visited Jesus Miracle Center, Inc, a...
African Center’s Business Forum
August 30th, 2019 is the African Center’s Business forum discussions meeting from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. We will begin by observing a moment...
ACCL Visit
Update: UMass Lowell recently hosted a group of scholars from around the globe through their signature global exchange program. Among...
ACCL Blood Drive
The ACCL Blood Drive was a success. There were 11 registered donors, 1 deferral and 13 units collected. Each unit of blood has the...
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