Rachael Otoo
My name is Rachael Otoo. I was born in Ghana, West Africa. My childhood in both Ghana and the U.S has shaped my mind of the world as a whole. I have had the opportunity to also meet with diverse group of people. My observation of the world, different communities and cultures have attributed to my understanding of the significance of unity, change and progress.
I am a firm believer in the power of unity and hard work within communities to contribute to progress and equal opportunities for all. It has been a privilege to work with a reputable non-profit organization, The African Community Center of Lowell, that strives to support Africans immigrants and refugees in areas of education, community-building, peace advocacy and cultural heritage . My role at the center is primarily on education, but I will also be contributing to other areas. I believe that our humanity is a tree that requires all of us to collectively nurture.
In 2017, I attained my Master's degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution to gain more knowledge on ways to work within communities. I worked with Girls Inc non-profit organization to gain more experience. I am also a self-care writer with the mission to promote health, wellness, peace and social awareness on topics that influence our daily lives. I hope to bring my work in self-care to the center as well to start a conversation on wellness in all areas of life.